Here are 3 beanies I've knitted while watching TV over the past couple of weeks. they are destined for the heads of street-kids through a charity that my employer is involved with. It's really simple - just knit and purl and on straight needles too! Just a simple backstitch to finish and they are ready to keep some kid's head warm during the chilly winter nights. The dark ones are really the colour of dark chocolate and the blue one is a leftover ball of wool/acrylic that I rmember Mum knitting a jumper for me - oh so long ago...Just because they are a street-kid doesn't mean they cannot have colour in their life! I'm going to keep knitting and posting beanies off for the next month or so - any leftover wool will end up as a scarf (or two!)
What a wonderful idea :) They look great!
Great stitching Bronny...I do the same thing, in crochet, for kids that have to walk to school and have no hats! I also make hats for Genesis House...a home for battered women and children! Keep up the great work! huggerz laurel
Your beanies came out so pretty I bet the kids will enjoy them Lizette
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