As promised - and to keep me inspired later in the year, when I read back and look at all my finishes for the year - here is another quickie - found on a french blog that I cannot access while at work. (If you are interested - leave a comment and over the weekend I'll trace my steps backwards to find it for you) FOUND IT - HERE - do a bit of scrolling around - there are quite a few freebies here - if in need use Babelfish translation service for the whole url - might make it a bit easier. It had no name, but it was a quick stitch and I used whatever Needle Necessities (Threadworks) floss that struck my fancy. I'll probably fashion this one into another cushion (now that I'm such a smarty pants and know what I'm doing with ruffles!)
Hubby asked me last night, "Why do I stitch all these little alphabetty thingies - and what am I going to do with them?" My answer - because they leap out and appeal to me - I need to keep my fingers occupied in the evenings and they'll probably all end up as gifts this year. Do YOU have an answer to the same type of question??? Why do you stitch what you do - and what will you do with them???

And in regard to that other Inspiration - I don't know if he is due in today, but I found out that he is returning to University studies as from Monday, so today may be my last heart-fluttering moment. (I'll take my camera with me and ask if he'll pose for a photo for all my internet friends ! NO PROMISES!)
I have to agree that I also stitch things because they jump out at me.My DH is always asking "whats it going to be made into?" as I`m the queen of unfinishers.
Yes please post where your finish is from.It will go on my to do list for sure :)
The finish looks good. It's fun doing designs like that that you can use whatever thread you like. I think that gives the charts appeal for me sometimes, & why I pick what I do. But other than that, no hubby doesn't ask me anything about the Why! lol
Adorable finish! and thanks for sharing the link!!
My dh doesn't ask why I stitch what I stitch. He thinks it's all very nice and can't believe I can actually sit still long enough to do it!
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