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Sunday 6 September 2020

Stepping into Spring and Stitching

Hello Friends

Gosh in these times a week is screaming through so quickly – it is now a week

into September and well past time to update you on the life in lockdown.

I have joined Steptember, a charity program encouraging all to walk 10,000 steps each day to raise money for Cerebral Palsy.  My work is running with teams of 4 and our team is named Thunder Pandas – random name picked out of a hat by a 5 year old.  That works for me!   I am 12 months out of a knee replacement, so my personal goal is anything over 6000 steps each day will be good.  I started the first 5 days with over 8,000 steps each.  Yesterday I walked around my neighbourhood and looked at gardens.  I found this cute flowering gum – no idea what type, but it was pretty enough for a photo. Today is a rest day and have spent it catching up with technology – weeding out emails etc…  

Stitching and sewing has been busy.  I have been working on the Halloween Quilt – as shown last post and have now finished the top.  This was a methodical process of quilt, rather than organic and I have enjoyed putting this one together - particularly as it is the first one made using my new cutting desk.  I plan to use a simple 2” border on it and bind it using strips from the leftover fabrics.  I’ve lost the intensity to finish this and might move back onto my bee quilt while I figure out the next quilting project.

On the stitching front, I have finished ‘O’ on my Floral Sampler – Oriental Poppy – This is slowly, but surely progressing towards a finish – Only 11 more motifs, so surely I can finish it sooner than 11 months away…. Perhaps as the 2020 Sampler is now winding down, I can increase the rotation time on the Floral sampler. 

I have started the August row of the 2020 Temperature sampler, it is part of this week’s rotation.  I am looking forward now to stitching the end of August and beginning of September because Spring certainly has Sprung, with kookaburras in our garden.


I have also made a start on my Christmas Heirloom Tablecloth for the 2019 square.  I’ll reveal the whole design later this month when it is finished.   It is a quick stitch, but there are so many other stitchy things that have a deadline.




One thing that does not have a deadline, are my scrappy hexies, all in a box for when I’m waiting for an appointment, or taking part in an online meeting.  They are growing steadily and when I run out of templates, will have to look at just WHAT I plan to make with them.  

I must also stop rummaging around in my basket of finishes, because I keep finding things that need framing, made into a cushion or similar.  While I have my Halloween fabric out, have found a couple of old Halloween finishes which need contemplation…  I think one will become a cushion and the other a notebook cover.


I hope you have enjoyed your visit today – please come back again soon.

1 comment:

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I love the Batty Quilt! What a clever design.
The flowers are looking lovely too.
It's always interesting to see the Temperature SAL, as yours is the reverse of most of them. We are getting colder while you warm up!