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Saturday 12 September 2020

September Saturday - sharing my stitching with you all.

Hello friends,

This week seems to have soared past so quickly, with little to show for my crafting.  I’ve prepared fabric for a pieced border for the Halloween quilt and will slowly put that together.  The intention is for the border to resemble monster teeth.   I had intended to work a scrappy ‘teeth’ border using the orange, green and purple, but then thought that as I had enough of the cream spiderweb fabric, that would be the only fabric in the pieced border.  I’m not going to overthink this, but work on a simple border.  A simple background fabric, possibly with a scrappy panel for the back of the quilt, whatever I feel at the time.  I have gone beyond the drafted pattern and now this is growing organically.

I feel also the need to work on my HoneyB quilt for my car.  I had put this aside, but now that I know my new car is in the same state, waiting on the docks for lockdown to be eased, it is closer to the dealership and therefore to me.  I’d better get this quilt done in time.

My brother has asked for a simple Australian themed baby quilt.  Although It won’t take long to stitch a simple block quilt, it may take longer to source the appropriate fabrics.  That is a WIP in my head only at present.

I did finish the August row of houses for my Temperature SAL.  The last couple of days of August warmed up noticeably and the first week of September were very warm.  This has been a good exercise, and although happy with the colours used, next year I think I will diversify the shades a bit more – probably one colour per degree rather than the one colour for two degrees this year.  I think I might even look at a different colour range per 10 degrees – eg Blues for 0-10,  Pinks for 11-20, Greens for 21-30, Yellows for 31-40, Reds for 41-50.  That should make for an interesting flock of sheep.   I feel that the predominance of 9-14 temperatures we’ve had between May and June will then show up better than the mish-mash of blue/teal shown this year.

Next weekend I should be able to show you a mostly finished sampler.  After last month’s issue with running out of fabric, have changed a fair bit of the chart and released September’s section to some friends earlier – so there’s not so much pressure to have it finished this month.  But that is THIS week’s WIP – so no peeks today.

I’m off to play in my sewing room today, see if I can extract some of the ideas from my head onto fabric and finished…  everywhere I look, I see a half finished project, so it’s is really not time to start a new project…   See you all back soon!


1 comment:

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

The Quilt sounds great, looking forward to seeing the progress pictures.
I agree with you about the colour changes for next year's Temperature SAL, it's hard to tell how well they will work the first year you do one.