HI friends, I have spent the past 2 weeks in organising heaven. I am determined to be more organised in 2020, and have a scheduled amount of sewing to get through. I have 4 SAL's, a baby quilt, a wedding quilt, Christmas Stitching, and a pile of WIP's to get through. Add to this, October and November will be spent touring the USA... I have THAT to plan also.
I have spent a lot of time sorting all those magazine and freebie downloads I'd kept from about 10 years and more ago. I've sorted them into display folders by type and theme, and using excel (bless it's little cotton socks - I LOVE excel) have made indexes for each book, which is now labelled and filed in my cubes. The total of display books is currently 15, but I have a big box of quilting patterns and another couple of saved boxes of mostly Halloween, Christmas and samplers to sort through. I hope to run a couple of giveaways this year for those who are interested in my excess patterns and charts.
English Floral Sampler
This is one of my WIP's. I refer to it as my English Floral Alphabet Sampler - I started it around 2005. Found it, and the charts during my clean up and have put it on high rotation. The patterns were issued in a series in the English CrossStitcher magazine in 1993. I participated in a round robin in 2005, and stitched the W - Waterlilly for my part. (if I think hard, I should be able to find my round robin item - it was teapots) The flower was easy to stitch and I thought how nice it would be to have the full alphabet as a banner sampler. My plan is to stitch this at the very least, the first week of each month. It is to be my fall back sampler stitch for 2020. I finished the K this week - today I will kit up the floss (DMC) for the letter
T.U.S.A.L. 2020

In preparation for T.U.S.A.L. 2020, i had to empty my special jar. The floss inside had gathered there from at least 2017 and also at least some 2018 stitching.
As I had done some intensive cross stitching in the last 3 months of 2013, the orts had been gathered in my little fabric box by my chair. It was fitting that they had their photo taken in my TUSAL bottle.
If you wish to participate in the TUSAL for 2020, click here for the link to my TUSAL page which explains all.
Speaking of SAL's - please feel free to join in - here are the links to this year's SAL's (so far)
Harriet Salt - A SAL from HATS - stitching a reproduction Sampler and hoping to finish in 2020
TOL 2020 Mystery SAL - Threads of Life - an online group I've been part of for over 20 years. This year, I'm offering a 20 line sampler over 11 months. Each section will be released on the 20th of the month.
NFSAL 2020 - Following another blog Magical Quilts and more - This SAL is for using up the neglected floss I've collected over the
Not much action on the sewing machine so far this year, but there is still another 50 weeks of the year to go. After all, there is still a couple of quilts to produce at the very least. Time now to go and see what all of you are blogging about.
See you all soon with another Bronnys Sewing Nook update.