My Grandson, Lachlan John Bacon was born on Friday 27 May. Due to COVID-19, I had to make the heartbreaking decision not to travel to QLD. Doing so, I would have had to have traveled through 3 airports and ran the risk of transmitting the virus to a newborn. So I have stayed home, and to celebrate his birth, decided to colour my hair blue.
Fluro Highlighter Blue!
It is supposed to wash out after 5-6 washes, but as my base colour is white and very porous, the colour hangs on and I can expect this to slowly fade over the next 4-5 months. I am happy to have hair that provides a positive impact during this global event.
I'm not on lockdown yet, having a secure job in facility management.
Should I have to reduce my hours, I have plenty of stitching ahead of me
to keep productive. I might even turn to Craftsy to discover a new
craft or technique.
I also have finally made a start on Harriet Salt. One evening's stitching completed the letter 'A'. I'll see how far I progress during this week along this alphabet line.
I'm contemplating stitching bunnies for 2021 - along the line of 2011-The year of the Sheepie! So, will spend the next couple of months sourcing some charts, in particular, something simple to stitch on the 21st of each month.
Hoping you are all keeping safe and isolated. We are strong, we can craft our way to sanity. If you are reading my blog, drop a line to say hello!
We crafters have been practicing for self-isolation for years. I am lucky as I am still working and likely to remain so, while the building is operating. However, It is Saturday here in Sunny Australia and on Wednesday at OMG-o'clock, I have plans to fly interstate, to act as carer to my not quite 2yo Granddaughter. Why? Because on Friday (if not before), My wonderful Daughter-in-Law is booked for a C-Section on Friday 27 March and we are waiting eagerly to greet my new Grandson. While My son is allowed to visit, young Claire is not able to visit due to Covid-19 restrictions.
I have taken all precautions and have been given a clean bill of health from my doctor and will be flying up to help out for two weeks. I have also prepared a Grandma bag of crafty bits to take with me and am looking forward to Tea-party with dolly in the park, painting the driveway with water, drawing on the footpath with chalk, (as little miss is not allowed to use texta or crayons at the moment!), many little craft ideas to keep her occupied and hopefully not missing mum too much. I'll be looking forward to my few days holiday on the way home!
I have been stitching, although by looking at my TUSAL jar for March, you wouldn't think so.
I've finished L for Lily for the English Floral Sampler - really pleased how it is progressing after all this time.
Keeping to my planned stitching list I've managed to finish the March Section of the TOL 2020 Sampler - Lilac version and well through the Blue version.
I'll be taking both of these with me for some downtime stitching while away. Poor Harriet Salt may be passed over again this month.
Well that is that, I haven't got a progress shot of the quilt but that will be shown off when I've got a Grandson to complete the photo-shoot.
Wherever you are, and whatever you do, please try to stay positive and follow directions. This is an interesting time and we will live through it. Virtual Hugs from me and mine to you and yours.
It's been a full-on February Many birthdays in the month to celebrate, and preparation for a new Grandchild who may show up early (due on 20 March)
To this end, I've been stitching a quilt - mostly on weekends.
I selected a free quilt pattern - Ahoy Sailor - online from Suzy Quilts and started with the blocks, these ended up 8" square I changed the shoulder blocks and the size of the 'water' blocks under the sailboats, added a strip of sky and found a great border print. I even made up a buoy block.
I have therefore titled this one "It's a Buoy!" So have hung it out on the clothes line (as you do), to take a picture which really serves to show all the seams up well. When it is quilted, it should be a better photo. One of the strips of 'water' is full of sharks.
Stitching today, I've been watching you-tube channels and am picking up some great tips to try out - have binge-watched Just Do It Quilts and now that the top is done, (and because I cannot learn to stop before I make quilts too big - its a 60" cot quilt) I"m making an after-quilt for the back - using up as much of the scraps as I can. I plan to make a prairie point border after watching Sew Very Easy tutorial. Cutting the border fabric here I am using a vintage hot iron to weigh down the other end of my template - This idea came from watching Donna at Jordan Fabrics
I've been so busy that I now need a new iron! The teflon coating has given way and is peeling off. Allan tells me that I can use his, so it's not all that bad.
Embroidery Update for February
I've got my new fabric for Harriet Salt and have so far, only gridded it out ready to start stitching.
However, due to my plan for the year, tomorrow, I will be back to stitching on the English Floral sampler - I've made a plan and it's only fair that I try to keep to it
First Week is English Sampler
Second Week it my TOL mystery Sampler (so I can have it ready for the 20th)
Third week is Christmas stitching... hmm 2 months down and no Xmas stitching in progress.