Hi friends - well it's the 25th of the Month, and ANZAC day here in Australia. A solemn morning - dawn service and an afternoon of stitching.
Here is the next selection for voting...
The little strawberry (2) is cute & it's a simple enough pattern. I like number 9 another simple design, number 8 is cute, but I don't have perforated paper here. The wee stocking (6) is sweet - and would be a lovely exchange for another stitcher. I like number 10, but feel that it would be too big to hang, but made into a free standing shelf display. Number 4 is intricate, but is it Christmassy enough? (I'm sure I've seen it in another year's designs. Number 1 is again big enough to be a standing ornament and I would want to re do the lettering somewhat. Number 3 is ok if you are into stitching houses... (not me), number 7 is a bit too fiddly sampler for my taste. Number 5 could be nice all done in beads, don't like the finishing on this example....
Well it's all up to you.... what 2 ornaments do you like. I'll collate all the votes and post the top 3 choices on May 5.
Harold Bacon - Served at Gallipoli WW1 - and his Great-Grandson John Bacon - soldier in today's Australian Army |