So what can I share with you to show evidence of the past 10 months of stitching/crafting and the like.........? Precious little I'm afraid. I've only recently taken up stitching again and there is not much to show. I cannot for the life of me find the dancing penguins, they cannot be too far away... if I remember correctly, I was up to adding beads and put it down until I could find my box of beads . . ... found the beads, just don't know where the project is.
Halloween - I don't think I shared with you my decorations.... I was really pleased, because the local kids who did come a'calling, declared me 'Awesome !' I decorated one room, and left the blinds open, so they could see in, to see my Halloween tree. All has been carefully packed away, ready to decorate again next year!
Oh I did spend a bit of time on a craft project. I love beads, have many, many beads - one to match just about any colour outfit I wear. I got sick of them getting jumbled up and knew what sort of project to do to get them hung up neater than sitting in a big ol' shoebox!
First I found a cheap print on a chipboard picture at the thrift shop. Then I found this packet of adhesive hooks. Out came the patchwork rule and I worked out to place them evenly apart and on a 60degree angle so to make the most and to avoid unnecessary tangling. You can see the pencil lines which I rubbed out at the end - not that it really mattered, because with all my beads (well most of them) you can't really see the picture at the end.....
I celebrated the big 5-0 recently - with friends as I held a Gilligan's Island party - such a whole lot of fun. I'd been preparing and collecting a lot of vintage and retro dishes & arranged the hairdresser and a trip to a glamour photographer on the day - the whole day was a fun-fest!
Naturally, I selected Ginger as my character... I baked a coconut-cream pie for the evening - and mmmmmmm it was good! I even wore false eyelashes! All I could think when the makeup artist was working on my eyes - was that I really looked like my big sister! She's a wee bit older than me, and I vividly remember her with a similar hairstyle and the false eyelashes about 1972!!
I've started yet another blog too - see over there on the left sidebar - Retro-Girl in Frankston - all to do with my love of retro ware and style. I'll post there my treasures that I find and my search for similar.
Signing off now with an end of Summer Snap! A casual photo taken by my son last weekend. The water was so clear, I couldn't resist and paddled out to the sandbar. Mind you, this week in Melbourne, we've had a blast of heat again.. The bay and the sand and the sky and the sun felt so good!
For those still reading my blog - and there appears to be about 195 of you still faithfully waiting for me to reach out and hit this keyboard..... Thank you all once again for your patience. I have been so slack. I've not really done that much stitching and feel all apologetic for letting you down. Not that my stitching has been so great, but let' face it.... this is to all intents and purposes.. a STITCHING blog!
It's dark, and late on a Saturday night right now.... I'll try to get my act together in the morning and post one or two pics to show you what I've been working on. Not all of it is stitching related.
I would like to share with you today, a little bit of this morning. An unplanned walk along the beach found me rolling up my jeans, taking off my shoes and splashing along a sandbar. The colours of the sky, sea and sand in the sunshine was amazing ..... I even took a great snap of a seaside banksia that amazes me with the crispness of the photo - especially as it was taken with my mobile phone!
So until I get myself back into the rhythm of blogging... please enjoy these few pictures...