This included drawing the winners of the giveaway. It turned out that there were two people for each of 4 fobs - I decided the winner by asking my husband to flip a coin - and the winner would be decided by Heads or Tails.
He flipped the coin 4 times - and 4 times it landed 'Heads'.
Therefore, the winners are:
Fob 1 - Judy
Fob 2 - Sharon
Fob 3 - Cindy
Fob 4 - Miss Linda Lee
Fob 5 - Abbie
I'll be sending you all an email so that I may get your snail-mail address and send out your fob as soon as possible.
(Yes, Shebafudge - yours will ALSO be sent out - you've been so patient!)
Congratulations to the winners..
Part of my indecisiveness in posting has to do with throwing over my original decision to rotate my themes this year.
It lasted 6 weeks.
I am enamoured of the concept of finishing some of my languishing WIP's, which is part of the reason I joined Measi's WIPocalypse. The most daunting task, was locating and identifying what I had as WIP's - it couldn't be that many - could it???
I have somewhere near 30 WIP's - if I count quilts and stitcheries as well as my Cross Stitch projects - some date back as far as 2004
It will be a good thing to get some, if not most of these completed.
Therefore, I will try not to start any more new projects this year. (Unless I find the right fabric for the mermaid, finish SOHRH and start CAHRH or HOHRH, or any number of charts that I found while scrambling through a workbasket looking for all my WIP's!!)
This is what I found in my main basket of WIP's
a - TOL friendship sampler - hard to see, but there are 3 alphabets and a lovely sentiment - I designed it for an online SAL in 2007 - you would think because I'd designed it, that I would have finished it. - evenweave
b - the second version of If Cats could talk - a pink cat this time - aida
c - My Soul is Fed - Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe - 18ct aida
d - English Floral Sampler - individual mottos taken from UK Cross Stitcher about 1995 - started in 2005 - linen
e - A halloween design from Carriage House Samplers - started Oct 2011 - aida
f - 'Tis a gift to be simple - Just Cross Stitch - april 2011 - aida
g - Some sheep sampler - bit worried - don't know where I've put the chart right at the moment - pink evenweave

i - SOHRH - tea dyed aida
j - Amish gaden sampler - TIAG - linen
k - Bluebird Sampler - Bent Creek - the annoying thing is, that I've finished red-bird sampler - means I'll have to find the same fabric to stitch the other two to finish the series! - nice evenweave in a neutral colour
l - Inspiration by Rosewood Manor - started in 2009 I think. I do enjoy stitching this, but for the near to confetti stitching - 8 stitches in this colour - 3 in that. I think I will enjoy getting to the centre panel of this one. - stitched on pale, pale sage evenweave.
Of course, not pictured, is my Christmas Tablecloth, or the Arabian Nights Quilt - or theYear of the Sheepie wallhanging, or my Pinetree quilt.