Another sheepie finish yesterday afternoon, instead of having a flurry of finishing, which was my intent, I sorted out piles of charts and found a few Halloween charts I'd like to stitch and one or two sheepie charts that just may get started soonish. This sheepie is the French Sheep chart and the border gave me the irits, which is why I put it down over a month ago. However, when I picked it up this weekend, the border just fell into place. Don't you just love finishes like that?
I have picked up a new Halloween chart to stitch - Halloween Magic, by Carriage House Samplings - shouldn't take too long. I do hope that next Sunday I can get a move onto a flurry of well overdue finshes.
Yes the jar is there.. AND there is some white in there...however, a bit more black is creeping in. Also in the picture is my very early Christmas Present from my girlfriend.... a bale stencil - most probably not so old and I could have had one that said SHEEP, but the LAMBS is so much more interesting. This will end up on the pantry door in the kitchen, I'll be on the lookout for one that says BACON to go on the other door. Also in the pic, leaning up against the wall is my 'Martha's Sampler' - it did get slightly damaged in the February Floods, as it was on the floor at the time, but I have resolved myself to accepting that has now become part of it's history. I really must pull my finger out and chart it properly to share with you all.
I hear tell that Halloween is getting closer....... and here is yet another Halloweenie finish. I just had to stitch this witchie surfing - a freebie I pointed out from Linda's Bits of Floss blog. I tweaked it slightly - as I am wont to do. I also tinkered with a bit of floss - tomorrow may decide to finish my halloweenie scissor fob - I feel so wrong, trimming my orts with a sheepie scissor fob when stitching spiders and witches....
As Monday is TUSAL day - I'll probably post a pic of my jar tomorrow - it's better to take the photo in daylight than try to get a good pic after work in the dark.
Wow! Sombody has already stitched Sheepie Farm and posted to her blog - Check out how Cucki stitched her farm - so cute and I spy another sheep guarding it too..
Nearly forgot to show you my latest Sheepie finish for 2011- The Year of the Sheep
If you take the definition of August to mean of regal bearing - that explains the crown and the robe.
And if anybody's counting individual sheep - I think this makes around 86 sheep stitched for the year...Will have to make a proper tally shortly...I wonder if I can complete a flock of 100 for the year?
Also - check out another freebie design from Linda on her blog: bits of floss - she's found a way to share Halloween down under!!
Firstly, let me share the news of a blogger's return to blogland - and the subseqent giveaway on her blog - Check out Terri's blog - she's my newest, bestest, blogging buddy.
How ready are you for Christmas???? - Me? - not at all, but I also realise that Halloween is creeping up on us all.. This weekend I've made a start on my Halloween Ornies - followers of my blog will remember my Halloween decorations from previous years. I started with Long Spider - PIF from another message board - and will be send on another journey in the next week. Stitched on a scrap of evenweave, using black DMC. I couldn't but help sing The Who's 'Boris the Spider' all the time while stitching this.
I was also pointed towards The Primitive Hare's freebie Witch Home - something quick to stitch, will be finished up as a key fob or a decoration. Took less than an hour to stitch, but I'm not in the mood to finish things today. Today was a day for sheepies.
Some time back, I was asked if I was going to have a farm to hold all my sheepies together. I thought about it and came up with a simple design. I intended to have a sheepie stitch-a-long - but until I stitched it, was not going to release the chart to the unsuspecting public.....
I give you all : bronnyb's Sheepie Farm - by all means, leave me a message and your email address - and I'll send you a pdf of my design and leave you to stitch it on your own choice of fabric, floss and personalise it. It's not too hard to fudge up a backstitch alphabet.
So after a mammoth weekend of stitching - I'm nearly in the mood to start another couple of quick stitchy sayings - but they'd better involve sheep of some type....