I've had a fit of finishing frenzy today. Today, I finally put the buttons and buttonholes where needed and made the cushion inserts for the 4 cushions finished with Chris a fortnight ago.
You can see the faux piping on the snowman and sheepie cushions. I promise, next time I use that technique, to take photos to show how easy it is. The other two cushions were finished in 2009, but were waiting for me to finish and put the backs on the cushions.Speaking of backs of cushions...check out the back of the blacksheep cushion - is that fabulous or what??
I'm really, really pleased with the button and tassel look. It is my favourite cushion finish of all time.
Here is a closer look of the birdhouse and Well Behaved Women cushions - they look so great and I'm glad to have them finished after all this time.
The final finish for the day is my little snowman banner. This little snowman was one of my New Year's Eve Snowmen WIP's, and the first of that group finished. The fabric used is just perfect for it, and I love the little pointy bit. (Thank's Chris) A fortnight ago, I found the beads that fit either end of the kebab skewer to make the hanger. The beads were a perfect match for the colour of the stitching and with a bit of a whittle and a smidge of wood-glue were a perfect fit! I had always intended to use the crystal beads, but mixed them with the pearl beads - Drops on the bottom and a swag effect across the top. Pretty Nifty!

To finish off - here is my T.U.S.A.L for this month - a day early instead of late this time around. Might as well get the photo while it's daylight! Lots of white and black floss from the latest needlebook sheepie and a lot of white from my mystery givaway gifts - yes I have not forgotten that 4 weeks ago, I promised a giveaway. There are 19 comments on that particular post, but I'm still stitching at least 5 gifts. I hope to have them all finished by the end of next weekend, then I'll be able to draw winners. I just don't feel right to draw winners when I don't have finished prizes to post out.