Bright isn't it?????
Hand dyed aida in fluro-pink - probably not quite what the designer thought of...but it leapt out at me when I pulled the design out of my snowman pile. I'll have to stitch the smile on the snowman pretty quick though - I keep feeling at the moment that he's frowning at me.
I'm stitching him with needle necessities floss again - the same melted marshmallow for the snow again, although I am bringing out the DMC-B5200 for the snow on the tops of the letters and the snowflakes (might add a bit of sparkly blending filament for that bit)
It was our 23rd wedding anniversary yesterday - Not a great bit of celebration as it was Jam session day and DS1 & DH spent the afternoon and evening out.
I did however, present DH with a card and some cutlery (23=silver plate) for his lunchbox. I wrote inside: "Isn't it KNIFE to know that after all these years, I still like to SPOON'd time with you - Just FORK the fun of it - lets try for another 23 years!"
groan away.....silly, but it's a typical 'me' pun for a card.
Happy Stitching everybody!!!