First things first....
I purchased a pair of teatowels from the supermarket for the princely sum of $1.67
Never mind this idea of pre-washing things first....time is of the essence! (but of course, if you feel the need...go ahead...
STEP 1:Fold each teatowel in half, making an open bag shape - right side together.

Step 3:Mark across the bottom edge of each bag corner a 3" angle and sew across this line - then trim

Step 4: Placing one bag inside the other, right sides together

Step 6: in a straight line (I followed the line on the tea towel), stitch about 4" down from this topstitched edge - this will become the casing for a ribbon and should meet up with the gap in the seam you left earlier (don't think I explained myself well there)
Step 7 : Tie off all the loose threads and thread a ribbon through the casing you just made - I just used what I had in my stash and threaded it through - I might have a look around for something a bit better later, but this green ribbon works well with the green on the teatowel. Step 8:Put a casserole dish in -

I remember in the late 70's and early 80's, going along to progressive dinners and pot-luck casserole nights - this would have been good to have then.

Of course, it helps to embroider/applique any design before you stitch the whole thing closed - lesson learnt for next time. I've shown this today at work, and I've already had some enquiries about making them for others.

Oh yes...really good news is that this bag is completely washable AND reversible!!! I might go a bit more ballistic on the next one, with applique instead of cross-stitch....
I hope you've beem able to follow my tutorial....
If you feel that I've not been too clear, leave a message and I'll try to take better photos of the next casserole carrybag I make.