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Friday, 20 November 2009
Belated TUSAL and apron finish

Sunday, 15 November 2009
Sunday Sewing Acomplishments.......
I made certain that I'd sit at the ma

The Christmassy one was a freebie found on Among the Gum Trees - a site by dedicated Aussie Designers who are bringing a free pattern every monday leading up to Christmas.
I took the pattern -

Saturday, 14 November 2009
Weekend Stitchy List - 2

My weekend list of things to do.......
Well after a couple of the comments about last week's photos....I do have proof that my tidyup did occur.... I did have a photo midway through - showing the pile of magazines and charts...but sorry...was too blurry (and embarrassing to post)
Not quite visible in this pic are the 3 piles of magazines I need to sort through - they are piled on the table to the left - what needs to be clear to display Christmas...
I still need to :
- put some effort into my course homework
- get a start on some sewn christmas gifts - the machine is back out on the dining room table - I'm hoping it will co-operate - I found new needles in the cleanup
- I found some more WIP's (not going to call them UFO's) - need to sort out that priority too.. (Note to self - DO NOT start anything new before finishing at least one WIP....christmas ornaments are not part of this arrangement - I can start those anytime i want!)
- I found my stash of graph paper so I can put some more effort into charting 'Martha'
- List some more charts and glassware on ebay
- unpack some more boxes of glassware for the sale in a fortnight
- Make a start on my Christmas Tablecloth - the section representing 2008 Christmas...hmmmm still not decided on a pattern.
Oh yes...I put a clump of things in a box and will work out a reason for a giveaway this week....nothing exciting, but somebody may love it!!!!
Well - If I get my A into G.. I should be able to get my weekend stitching underway before it gets too hot to be at the sewing machine....
Happy stitching !!
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Weekend Stitchy List
have this idea that this weekend I will;
- tidy up my 'sewing room' explosion in the lounge and dining rooms.
- put some effort into my course homework
- organise my stitching and crafting projects into some sort of priority system
- investigate my sewing machine and try to work out it's issues
- put some more effort into charting 'Martha'
oh and the occasional domestic stuff.
WIP's / Projects that come immediately to mind are:
- finish halloween ornie (ok - so it will be ready for next year - it's over 1 and I've not been stitching much during the week)
- Bent Creek's Bluebird Sampler
- Poppy Picture - which WAS going to be a christms in july present for my brother's SO (she's too nice to be a SIL)
- My english floral sampler has been in my mind for a few days - must pull that back out
- A sampler SAL that I initiated back in 2007
- My christmas tablecloth square - need to find a suitable chart for that - HAS to be finished before Christmas
I'm not going to think too hard - there are also a couple of stitchery projects that like flotsam, rise to the surface. I'm sure this list will grow as I clear up my stitchy area!
BONUS ! ! ! - In my fit of tidy - I located the 2nd missing roller cutter - still in it's packet!!!!! I knew that I really didn't have to purchase the third cheapie - because - as it Murphy's law wins out again - I found the first missing cutter within a fortnight of buying the replacement 3rd cutter - now I know where all 3 cutters are ! ! ! WOO HOO!!!! (I STILL HAVE TO PUT ALL THE STUFF BACK AWAY - POSSIBLY RE-ARRANGE ALL THE FURNITURE!!! - here is what I'm left to work with...all I have to do now is figure out where it's all going back....this does not show the dining room table contents....lol ..
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
What's in a name - Mary is Martha !!!
The research I did a few months ago was all based on Martha, not Mary - so why do I have the name Mary in my brain????
Could it be a subconscious link to Mary Wigham? After all - her sampler is so everywhere at the moment....
Note to self - remember to call your sampler by her right name.....
and to buy some more graph paper
(You wouldn't believe the 2 hour cleanup I did, just to get to the filing cabinet that turns out not to have sufficient graph paper in it - yes I know I can download graph paper on the interweb, but it's not the same as schoolbook blue graph paper......)
Monday, 2 November 2009
There's something about Mary - More sampler & a first of the month finish

This picture is a bit greener than the sampler actually is, but it gives you a bit more feel of the layout of the body of the sampler......I love the ship. The 'N' in the upper alphabet has been darned over a hole before framing. I'm going to have fun charting this one. Some of it is charted over two - some over one! I couldn't get a clear photo of the itty bitty birds in one section - they are stitched over one, with a dainty little french knot eye. Thank you all for sharing my journey with Mary.

My latest finish - quite a while since I've had one too... An adapted Lizzie Kate design - I just picked colours out of one box of DMC, not using any prescribed colours.... It was originally intended as a gift for somebody else, but I wasn't quite happy with the design for her - something else will leap into hand when it is the right time for her -

I thought of quite a few things to stitch - along the lines of : "Prune out the weeds" - "Only display the pretty ones" - but that might be a bit much for most.
The fabric is really pretty - a sort of tie-dye - I cannot remember where I got it from, but I've got several fat quarters - some shot with gold too.
Thank you for your comments about Mary - I'm still really excited