Had a great evening last night - my girlfriend came around to give me a bit of moral support with identifying my ebay glassware and pottery - then then settled down to a few games of ScrabbleNow, it can take Wendy up to 20 minutes to make a move, and mine are usually made within 5minutes. I won the first game with some splendid words, Wendy by chance had a poor selection of letters. Then, I won the 2nd game in only one move - Wendy conceded when my first word placed was a 7 letter word and all she had to contend with was an Irish version of Old McDonalds Farm (O-II-O-I-OO) After carefully (& sneakily) taking all the letters off the board while I made coffee, we started the third game - which I won again!Ahhh I love it when my brain functions. I can gloat, because It's unusual for Wendy to be so off her game!Ah yes.... My TUSAL update: You can see a lot of black and arond the back is hidden some more orange - must be all that halloween stitching. I'm also showing off a vintage Black flower frog - originally designed for holding stems of flowers steady in vases, now being used as a scissor holder - I really must invest in some fancier scissors! In the background is the now framed print of Van Gogh's Iris's - I found this print in an Op-Shop for $2 - it is a National Gallery Print and would have been very expensive when bought new. I've had it framed and it is due to be hung over my bed-head. I've always loved this picture and it was a treasure find!
Next is a quick snap of "Spook" and "Boo" (WIP stage) - I really like the orange cat version.

Looking forward to playing and finishing all my Halloween stitching into ornaments and pillows - Here also is my quick stitch - Lizzie Kate "Spooky Patch" - I've got to find a little spider to attach to the web - unless I feel like stitching one...I used all DMC for this one - including the new variations.

I'm itching to use WDW Tin Roof (as is suggested in the chart, but I don't have the opportunity to buy it just yet),having seen it in use on other blogs, but I like the greenie one against the pumpkin. I might just stitch this again on the black aida.