This is my 50th finish for the year - and my 16th and last Ornie for 2008.
It is Peace Tree, buy Praiseworthy Stitches from the 2007 ornie issue.
I didn't have the beads specified, but used sequins dangling from beads for the sparkly bits and a strand of white beeds with blue/purple bugle beads. The silver star at the top has no shank and is tied on.
I didn't sign this one in stitching -or date it - that way I can pass it on next year for any exchange.
In the meantime, it will live in my ornament bowl, along with all the other ornies from my tree, where I keep Christmas in my loungeroom all year.
This is my ornament tree - because the boys don't want to have my stitched ornies hanging from the tree. There are several ornies from exchanges, but the majority are ornies I've stitched for myself.
I'm looking forward to next year, when there will be even more ornies on the tree.
I trust you and yours will have a safe holiday season. I look forward to meeting more of you in 2009.